Bracken Announces Consultants Ben Mitchell & Kurt Mueller


For Immediate Release:

NEWTOWN, PA — The Bracken Group (Bracken) is pleased to announce the addition of two new Senior Partners. 

Ben Mitchell

Ben is a systems and analytics expert and experienced entrepreneur. His first independent start-up, The Brite Mind, built and deployed custom analytics to improve digital advertising and growth marketing outcomes. The Brite Mind was acquired by The Bracken Group in 2020, where Ben took on a senior leadership role within the firm, serving as Vice President of Operations and later transitioning to Vice President of Information Services and Analytics. His previous roles include leading the Google Ads department at Social Fulcrum, a Boston-based digital advertising agency, and managing software implementation for Epic Systems. As a consultant, he focuses on helping clients take control of their data, CRM systems and optimize their tech stack to produce better, measurable outcomes.


Kurt Muellerimageedit_4_5755208673-1

Kurt Mueller is a digital and omnichannel expert with over 20 years of experience in the life sciences industry. As a fractional Chief Digital Officer (CDO) and Chief Innovation Officer (CIO), he helps clients design and implement solutions in digital marketing, medical communications, omnichannel strategy and execution, stakeholder segmentation, CX journey mapping, and metrics and analytics measurement frameworks. He has worked with leading pharmaceutical and biotech firms, as well as emerging companies in rare diseases, to create innovative and impactful solutions. Kurt is a respected thought leader who frequently speaks at industry events, serves as a member of the editorial advisory board of PM360 magazine, and was named a PharmaVOICE Top 100 Marketer in the U.S.



“Both Kurt Mueller and Ben Mitchell have had a long-standing relationship with Bracken prior to joining as consultants,” said Colin G. Miller, PhD, FIPEM, CSci, CEO of Bracken, who went on to say, “it is therefore a pleasure to have them more involved again as Senior Partners, providing a depth of data analytics, marketing and digital marketing to support our clients in their growth and business development.” 


About Bracken

Bracken offers consulting, regulatory, analytics, marketing, and sales enablement solutions for the life sciences and digital health industries. Through highly experienced consultative support, business programs, and data-enabled products, Bracken provides a multidisciplinary approach to exceeding goals for their clients.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and working directly with Ben and Kurt, as well as Bracken’s team of expert consultants. Website:


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